Our Sponsors

Check out our bike shop sponsor for all your bike needs including the following ongoing member offers and benefits: 

We also have some great skills sessions coming up that park Bikes will coach – Ride Leader training and Rider Skills sessions (look out for more on these as we anounce them). Please support our local bike shop and reach out to them for all bike related questions and when you are shopping (they are competitive – just check). Thanks to Nash Kent and the team for your ongoing support of our great club. https://parkbikes.com.au/ 



We are delighted that Pure Performance (Balance Member Matthew Sweeney) continues to be a loyal club sponsor. We receive generous financial support and prizes as well as important member benefits. A bike fit is probably the best single improvement you can make for your ride comfort, injury prevention and performance. It really is a must have. Matt has generously offered Balance members huge discounts on fits:

Reach out to Matthew Sweeney anytime for guidance and support our sponsors!https://pureperformancephysio.com.au/bikefitting.html…



Our members benefit from the following amazing offer from our sponsors iMove Physiotherapy: As a member, you get a massive 59% off two consultations/treatements each year. This resets every Tri season, so you all have 2 to use! Many of us have benefited from having iMove fix us when we are broken and we’ve also learned plenty from their helpful online content. As well as the above offer and financial support iMove provides the club, they also generously provide prizes for the Bolt and other events. We encourage you to support the iMove team and of course enjoy your membership benefits.Thanks to Mike Engelsman, Michael Rizk and the iMove team. https://imovephysio.com.au/ 

Nestled in the heart of Leichhardt, The Royal is an anchor of the Leichhardt community and has been a sponsor of Balance Tri Club for over nine years now. Across two distinct levels, the Royal caters to both pub traditionalists and those seeking a contemporary botanical ambiance. 

The Royal is home to all Balance Committee meetings and our AGM. You’ll also find us in here celebrating after local events and races.

